Saturday, February 17, 2007

An urban legend research source
Did that couple on the back country road really find a bloody hook on the car door handle?

Can pop rocks and Coke make your stomach blow up?
Did a big alligator eat people stranded in New Orleans after Katrina?

Is it true that 70% of the women giving birth at Parkland Hospital are illegal immigrants?

Did Starbucks refuse coffee to U.S. soldiers?

Did a woman die of an unknown nest of spiders in her beehive?

Can the copper in a penny ease a bee sting?

Did a guy in Florida really kill a 1,100 lb. hog?

Chances are if you have received it in an email, it is on

Happy Fact Finding!

1 comment:

jigawatt said...

When I get *those* emails, I sometimes just reply with a link to the approprite page.

If I'm feeling particularly ornery, I say something to the effect of, "never forward any email without checking it out on", or "you are now on my 'blocked email' list"